The Summary of Jesus’ Public Ministry (John 12:27-50)

June 3, 2012

Book: John

The Summary of Jesus' Public Ministry (John 12:27-50)
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Scripture: John 12:27-50


Sermon Notes

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.”

This world is full of many kinds of troubles.
We can never flee these troubles.
We can only trust fully, really in God from our deep hearts.

The same God, who says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled” also says, “My heart is troubled.” (v. 27).

We can see three things from this confession:

#1: He is fully man
No one wants to die at 33.
No one wants to die on the cross.

Hebrews – “He himself suffered while he was tempted”
He had sleepless nights. He was tired, exhausted, misunderstood, forsaken, persecuted, delivered unto death.

He experienced all things humans experience, except sin.

#2 Now we know courage DOESN’T mean “no fear” BUT rather “can be very afraid, and still do what must be done.”

Isaiah = “Our Savior took up our infirmities, troubles, weaknesses, sicknesses, worries…”

#3 There are worldly troubles and godly troubles
2 Corinthians: “Godly sorrow = life, worldly sorrow (troubles) = death”

Matthew 10, “Whoever finds his life loses it, but whoever loses his life for me saves it.”

Do our troubles come from God?
Or from this world?

Do we think, “how can I live an easy life for my pleasure, myself?” = death
If we think, “how can I live my life for Christ, for others?” = life

Jesus is now facing suffering and death.
Romans 12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world.”
Romans 8:29 “Those he foreknew he also predestined…”

Jesus is our first brother, eldest brother.

If we are looking for a comfortable life, conforming to the comforts of this world, we will suffer.

If we are looking for Jesus, to be transformed by him, we will never be alone, we will experience full joy.

Jesus never said, “What shall I do?” but here, “What shall I say?”

Only 2 prayers we can pray:
“Father, save me” OR
“Father, glorify your name” (v. 28)

God spoke to his son directly, and his prayer received an answer from heaven with DOUBLE assurance.
“I HAVE glorified it (Jesus’ past life and ministry) and WILL glorify it (Jesus’ death, resurrection, ascension, coming again).”

God spoke to Jesus 3 times at very important points:

#1 Jesus’ Baptism: “This is my son, whom I love, in him I am well pleased.”

#2 Transfiguration: “This is my son, whom I love, in him I am well pleased. Listen to him.”

#3 NOW – entering Jerusalem in the last days before the cross: “I HAVE and I WILL glorify my name through your ministry.”

Now, Jesus openly speaks about his cross.

v. 31-33

“Now is the time (the cross) for judgment on this world…”

Jesus death brings:
1. Judgment on this world
2. Defeat of Satan
3. Salvation for ALL who would believe

Who is Satan?
The prince of this world. (mentioned thus, 3 times in the book of John)

2 Corinthians?
Satan is mentioned as the “god” of this age.
He was an angel – REAL – not symbolic.
Deceiver, divider, but finally, defeated one.

Jesus through his death, brings total defeat to Satan.
Yet, today Satan is allowed to go around this earth and destroy, yet one day soon, he will be condemned, and sent to hell forever.

v. 32
“But when I am lifted up, will draw ALL men to myself.”

Jesus death = for men, defeating Satan.
Jesus’ death is not for nature, animals, angels, but for men, ALL men.

1 John 3:8, “The reason the Son of Man appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.”

So, our lifestyles should be very simple.

For man, against Satan.
Jesus death is “for man, against Satan.”
Also, as followers, our lifestyles should be “for man, against Satan.”

If we fight against man, we fight against Jesus. If we do something pleasing to Satan, we fight against Satan.

Ephesians – “Our fight is not against man, but against [Satan]”

v. 36
“Put your trust in the light while you have it…Jesus hid himself from them (the crowd – v. 29, 34)”

This marks the end of Jesus’ public ministry in front of the crowd. After chapter 12, Jesus does not appear in front of the crowd again.

From chapter 14 to his arrest in chapter 18, he does his ministry only in front of his disciples.

The rest of this chapter is the epilogue, the summary, review of Jesus’ public ministry. This is the last chance for the crowd to listen to the living voice of Jesus.

So, for the crowd, he summarized again what he taught them.

#1 Light
v. 35-36, 46
“light” repeated 5 times
From the 6th-9th hour during his crucifixion, darkness covered the land.

Chap. 1:4 – “In Him was light…the true light…the darkness has not understood it.”
Jesus = the light of the world, whoever follows will never walk in darkness.

Later, Jesus says, “YOU are the light of the world…Let your light shine so that the world may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.”

Earth goes round the sun, we always receive the light of the sun, doesn’t show favoritism, gives light equally to all men. On the other side of the world – they do not have the light just now. The sun gives the light to them, but they do not receive the light. Why? Because they have turned from the sun.

The sun gives light to ALL, but some do not receive because they are turned away from the light.

The same way, Jesus gives light and life and salvation to ALL people, but some do not receive because they are turned away from the light (reject it).

Like this, we too are the light of the world.
What does this mean?

Our message, our gospel, our testimony can be accepted by some, or rejected by some, but on our parts, we MUST shine to ALL people. We are the light of the world!
Acceptance or rejection is THEIR job.
Shining is OUR job.
(Don’t be shy)


#2 Faith
v. 37-46, key word = believe = repeated 8 times

John explains the unbelief of the people (v. 37-38) WOULD NOT believe
(v. 39) COULD NOT believe
(v. 41~) SHOULD NOT believe

Despite all the clear evidence, they would not, could not, should not believe. They closed their eyes to the truth, though they received clear signs and miracles from God throughout the ages.

This was already prophesied in Isaiah 6:10

They would not believe, or they would not confess their faith, even though they believed.

This is important to us if we believe in Christ. v. 42-43

Fear of Man
They would not confess, they hid their faith, for fear that they would be banished from their community.

Even today, many Christians hide their faith out of fear of rejection, bullying, etc.

They seek the praise of man, they fear man.

Fear of God, fear of man, can never go together.
Praise of man, praise of God, can never go together.

Hidden faith, hidden belief, can NEVER please God.

“Whoever disowns me before man, I will disown before God in heaven. Do not fear man, but fear the one who can destroy body and soul in heaven…”

It is much better to BE right for eternity,
than to LOOK right for mortality.

Please do not be deceived.

#3 Relationship with God
v. 44-50
“Then, Jesus cried out.” Why?
This message is SO important, SO urgent, and this is the LAST chance for the crowd to hear his living voice before his cross (also there is no microphone…^^)

To believe in Jesus, see Jesus, love Jesus = to believe in God, see God, love God

To hate one = to hate the other.

Jesus is the visible representation of the invisible God (Colossians 1?)

Jesus = real, true, eternal God.

That God came here, became as one of us, and died (physically) to save us (eternally, spiritually).

You are very special, important, God’s VIP.

What is your value? The blood of His son. The life of God.

May God bless us all continually with his life, eternal life.