And Then THE END Will Come (Matthew 24:14)

May 31, 2015

Book: Matthew

And Then THE END Will Come (Matthew 24:14)
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Scripture: Matthew 24:14


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And then THE END will come!

Matthew 24:14 (Pastor Heo)

And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then THE END will come.

This verse is the KEY verse of this whole chapter. I challenge you to memorize this verse in your mind, heart, and actions.

“And then THE END will come” = “And then I will come” – someday Jesus will come back bodily so that every eye can see him.

Last time, we studied about the “Last Days” – from the Fall of Adam (Genesis 3) was the Beginning of the Last Days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the End of the Last Days. There were many horrors in the Last Days: love of money, self, pleasure, false Christs and prophets, wars, rumors of wars, natural disasters, droughts, famines, etc.

This verse is the sign of all signs of the Last Days. The End is not yet – all the other signs.

This sign = the End is coming.

Jesus says, “Watch out that no one deceives you.” The only way is to FOCUS our eyes and thoughts on Jesus Christ. There is no Savior outside the Bible. Whenever we look for signs outside the Bible, we become very susceptible to deception.

Another only sure way to prepare the Last Days is to preach the gospel to all nations.

Here is one question for us all to ponder: What is the most rewarding, best thing, we can do in this world but cannot do in the next world any longer? What is the most important thing we cannot do in heaven? Do you want to live a truly meaningful life?

The answer is: I cannot be an evangelist in heaven.

You may have not thought of this answer before, but to share our faith, our testimony with non-believers is the #1 thing we can do on earth that we will not be able to do in heaven. How are you doing? When was the last time you told someone about Christ?

The truth is, God has chosen us to preach the gospel in this world. Is it any wonder why more people are NOT becoming Christians? If we do not do our best, if we neglect to make the most of every opportunity to share our faith with others, they have no chance to hear the gospel, nor make a decision for Christ, they will die in their sins, and be separated from God in eternity in a very real place of torment: Hell.

Maybe you think: I have no gift of evangelism, so isn’t it OK for me to defer this task of evangelism to those who do?

Yes, some are gifted in evangelism, but this doesn’t let the rest of us off the hook. The Great Commission is to “go and make disciples of all nations.”

The first step in this is to make a decision that Jesus is our Savior, the Creator, and God.

In this short verse: 14 – the keywords are plentiful.

EACH word is a keyword.

“This gospel of the kingdom…”

The term gospel = “good news” – we are familiar with this – but the full meaning of this is “good news of great joy for all people for all time.” This gospel word is used in various ways. The first four books of the New Testament are called “Gospels according to…” – and of course the whole Bible is God’s gospel to humanity – all the revelation of God to his Creation is “gospel” – human history, revelation, human consciousness, etc. This is a very broad definition.

More narrowly, the death and resurrection of Christ is the more focused gospel “good news” message.

Yes, there are many ways to the United Kingdom, but only ONE way to the Heavenly Kingdom. Only through Christ.

Yes, there are many remedies for physical sicknesses, but the only remedy for sin is Jesus Christ.

  • 1 John 1:7 “The blood of Christ covers us.”
  • 1 John 2:2 “Jesus is our atoning sacrifice – for the whole world.”
  • John 3:16 “God so loved the world…”
  • John “God demonstrated his love for us in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us…”
  • “If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, you will be saved.”

This is the gospel message of Heaven.

What is your decision for Christ? This is the most serious and vital question we must solve. Our decision for Christ decides our eternity.

Hebrews 9:27 “Just as man is destined to die once and after that to face the Judgment.”

No matter how beautiful a bridge may look, we do not build our house on that bridge. Bridges are for us to pass by. Don’t build your house on that bridge – this is life in this world.

James 4:14 “Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day may bring.”

Your life in this world is an opportunity to make a decision for Christ – your decision in this life determines how you will be in the next world. This is the heart of the gospel message of heaven.

“…all nations…”

  • Mark 16:14 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all Creation because God wants ALL to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.”
  • “God is not slow in delivering on his promises, but he wants ALL to come to repentance in Jesus Christ.”

In this sentence, “nation” does not count “countries” divided politically by lines. I did not count, but I heard there are 206 countries divided on this earth. Within these countries, there are the same people groups sharing ethnic culture and languages.

… Winter – from US – mysiologically? Indonesia has more than 780 nations. China has over 500 nations. Bangaladesh, Pakistan 400, Nepal 350?

Why is it so difficult to be an evangelist?

Yes, there are many obstacles that get in the way – but here are TWO and how to overcome these obstacles:

#1: Lack of knowledge barrier

This is when we THINK we do not know enough about the Bible or theology to effectively answer people’s questions.

Answer: FOCUS our witnessing opportunities on JESUS and his divinity.

How many times did you hear someone say: “OK I believe Jesus lived 2000 years ago. I know he was a good man, a good moral teacher, a good prophet. But I NEVER believe he was God, NOR that he said he was God.”?

But the truth is that Jesus DID claim to be God – there are many examples in the Book of John – one day he asked the Jews why they were about to stone him – “for which of these miracles from heaven do you stone me?” – “Not for these miracles, but because you, a mere man, claim to be God – blasphemy!” We can see how the Bible uses Jesus’ personal testimony as a tool for evangelism.

When a person is faced with evidence of Jesus divine stature and sees it with their own eyes, they MUST make a decision.

This is the quickest, shortest means for getting to the heart of the gospel message.

  • 2 Cor 4:5 “We do not preach, but Christ in us preaches.”
  • 1 Tim 1:15 “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

#2: Fear barrier

Are you afraid of rejection? And persecution? Please remember, if you receive persecution because of your evangelism activity, BE JOYFUL! because Jesus says (Matthew 5) “Blessed are you when people persecute you because of me, for great is your reward in heaven.”

Actually, how can we NOT receive ANY persecution in this world because of Christ?

Remember, our job is NOT conversion.

Our job is just to SCATTER seed – the seed of truth that reveals the character and deity of Jesus Christ and what he has done for us on the cross.

Bible says,

  1. “God is pleased through the foolishness of what was preaching for the harvest?”
  2. “One sows, another reaps.”

Even Paul (the greatest evangelist in history) did NOT say, “Yup, that was me. I did that. I converted that guy.” Rather he said, “I just planted the seed. Neither he who plants, nor he who waters is anything. It is only God who makes something grow.” (Eph?)

The foolishness of God is more powerful than the strength of human beings.

Remember, an evangelist’s life can NEVER be fruitless. It can NEVER be a failure. But, a fruitless evangelist’s life is MORE fruitful than a fruitful businessman’s life in the eternal perspective.

If you fail as an evangelist, you are more fruitful (eternally) than a successful businessman.

This is not to say “don’t go into business” but the point is, if we are truly born again Christians, no matter what secular job we have in this world, we REMAIN in this world as an evangelist.

Are you a businessman? You are businessman evangelist. Are you a teacher? You are a teacher evangelist….

  1. Evangelists are the world’s history leading heroes.
  2. Evangelists are the world’s leading heroes throughout history.

The Bible closes with a last verse: Rev. 22:25 “He who testifies to these things, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ ‘AMEN.’”

Jesus Christ, the author of history is tuning, arranging his Second Coming’s schedule based on the activity of his evangelists.

Let us shout and proclaim this verse together:

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then THE END will come.

Do you believe this?

Let’s pray.