Sermon Notes
The man in this passage went home like he was going home from work. He should have found Jesus and worshiped him, but just went home – he was not overjoyed.
What is your response to Jesus – who provides daily life/peace/joy/power – who makes our eyes to see?
This man received spiritual eyes. v. 38 (“Lord, I believe…”)
- LAST TIME’s Sermon – was about opening our physical eyes
- THIS TIME’s Sermon – is about opening our spiritual eyes
- We can see 4 things if our spiritual eyes are opened (from passage):
See the Work of God (v.3) – Can you see? Do you know?
- God is very active, a diligent doer.
- This church can do social justice, missions work, weddings, etc – but govt. and orgs. can also do these things.
- The only thing church can do that orgs and gov can’t = saving souls
- Work of God = to believe in ME (Jesus)
- You can see personal change – before and after (v. 25)
- Final standard of before/after = Jesus
- Redemptive history (Old Testament = before / New Testament = after)
- Secular history (BC = before / AD = after)
- Personal history (Old creation = before / New creation = after)
- Dead → alive / meaninglessness → fullness / child of Satan → child of God
- Murder, envy, strife, wrath, sin → love, joy, peace, patience, kindness
- This is your personal testimony
See Jesus as Lord and God (v. 38)
- When Peter and Paul (men) did miracles, people worshiped them = But they stopped them, “no, no, we are men.”
- When Jesus did miracles, people worshiped him = He never stopped them – because he IS God
- Jesus = Lord of all history – HIS Story (Jesus = the hero (hero never dies in movies))
- Luke 3 – John the Baptist – written in Isaiah – preached gospel of repentance + baptism
- From man’s eyes, John was crazy
- From God’s eyes, John was hero – at that time
- Jesus’ schedule was being tuned to John’s ministry (preparing the way)
- When Jesus comes again – HIS story / drama = THE END
When ALL nations have heard, THEN the end will come
- From man’s eyes, G7, G20, seem to be leaders of history.
- From God’s eyes, gospel preachers, are heroes, leading history.
- Jesus’ Second Coming schedule is being set by gospel preachers
See our jobs (v. 4-5)
- So many jobs in this physical world…
- But spiritually, only TWO jobs
- Fisher of fish (originally – this is our job)
- Fisher of men (if we are IN Jesus Christ – this is our job)
- Both of these jobs need power (muscle vs. Jesus / killing pwr vs. saving pwr)
- Fishers of fish – catch something living, and kill it
- Fishers of men – catch something dead, make it alive in Christ
Bride of Christ, You Are Pregnant
So, IF we are fishers of men, we all must be pregnant / conceive. After marriage – normal for bride to do so – deliver new life/child. Spiritually, we are married to Jesus – church = bride / he = bridegroom. Be pregnant, conceive someone, give NEW life.
Genesis 1st command = Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it – with the Word of God
God’s double pain =
- Lost sons outside the house, never come home.
- Home sons never go out to find his brothers.
Let us make him happy. Let us seek and save the lost. Jesus is never satisfied with our own worship alone. He wants MORE and MORE worship in oneness – ALL human beings.