Sermon Notes
OT – God often is shown as shepherd, His people as flock. Psalm 23 “The Lord is my shepherd…”
Why? Background – at that time OT, NT, main part of Judea, was central plateau, 35 miles up and down 15 miles left and right. Majority of land was rocky, stony.
Jew was pastural, not agricultural.
(Sheep rather than farming).
Not much grass, so sheep were bound to scatter. No protecting walls or fences, sheep were liable to wander. Had to be watched continually.
On either side of the plateau, there was a cliff. Shepherds task was dangerous and constant. Shepherds watched against wild animals – esp. wolves, also thieves and robbers.
Shepherds were cold at night, hot during the day.
Self-sacrifice, fearless courage, constant vigilance, patience – these were characteristics of shepherds – God is the same.
“I tell you the truth.”
“I am the gate for the sheep.”
“I am the good shepherd.”
Jesus says each twice.
We are his sheep.
v.10 – One key, great verse of the Bible.
(John 3:16 is main key verse we use)
This verse is also a key for whole Bible.
Very clear sentence to show purpose of Satan’s coming, and Jesus’ coming.
Satan = thief, Jesus = life
Satan steals what God has given us.
1 John 3:8 – Jesus appeared to destroy devil’s work.
2 Tim – Spirit of power, love and self-discipline.
Not a spirit of despair, worry, defeat – these are lies of Satan.
God gives life, peace, joy, assurance of salvation.
Jesus came.
1. to confirm God’s promises
2. to remove sin
3. to destroy Satan
4. become our high priest forever
5. show a perfect example of holy life
6. prepare His second coming
7. to give us LIFE
Life is most important in this world, more than job, money, etc.
This life can only be found in Jesus.
John 1:1
John 3:16 – “God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
This is God’s purpose for sending Jesus.
John 10:10 = Jesus’ voluntary purpose for coming into the world.
1 John (5?)= “The life appeared, we have seen it, we testify to it, we proclaim to you…”
In John, Jesus 10 “I AM”
1. I am the bread
2. I am the light
3. I am the gate
4. I am the good shepherd
5. I am before Abraham
6. I am the resurrection
7. I am the life
8. I am the way,
9. the truth, and the life
10. I am the true vine (source of life)
Eternal life is living fellowship with Father God, now, and forever. This is found only by trusting in Jesus Christ.
When is your true birthday? When you believed in Christ – this is the start of your true life.
Colossians 3 – we died, our lives are hidden with Christ
v.16 – One flock and one shepherd
I have other sheep outside of AICF, outside this church, outside this pen.
The growth and unity of the kingdom of God. This is the vision, dream, purpose, of Jesus.
1 Tim 2:4 – God wants all men to be saved…
2 Peter 3:9 – God is not “slow” in keeping his promise…He is patient…He wants no one to perish…Jesus suffered death for ALL men…
Salvation = unlimited limited atonement
Available for ALL men
Effective only for believers
Worldly world = explosiveness and division – wars, arguments, parties, genders, cultures, – competition, contest
World = division
This world cannot truly become united.
Only one possible unity = in our common sonship with God through Jesus.
Ultimate dream of Christ = whole world united for God – but only possible through unity in Christ.
The one family of God, one body of Christ, one organism of Holy Spirit, multi-national missional community, to evangelize the whole world as one flock, with one shepherd.
NT = two voices on one topic
Evangelism (Matt 10)
“Do not go to the Gentiles – go to lost sheep of Israel”
Not exclusiveness of salvation only for Jews – this is for effectiveness – the fruit of ministry.
After resurrection, Jesus said “Go into the whole world…”
Effectiveness of ministry, and universality of the gospel must go together.
In war, to get final victory, we must start with limited objectives.
Try to attack on all fronts? Divide your efforts, be defeated.
If Jesus sent missionaries at first everywhere…success would be limited – nothing would have been achieved.
So, Jesus fixed one limited area for them to focus on and target.
So, for us, our target is Jeonju, through AICF.
Pastor Heo – Philippines = mission field, but not the whole country – just a limited area – to maximize the effectiveness and fruit of the ministry.
Our actions and efforts must focus on Jeonju, though we include the whole world in our prayers.
HS student – Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream”
“I have a dream…one day white boys and black boys will play together hand-in-hand. White boy, black girls will sing together.”
AICF “I have a dream…one day soon, 200+ people THIS year!”
So, where do we focus our efforts? Jeonju!
Jesus “I have other sheep outside”
AICF – we have MUCH room
But remember, for world evangelization, there is not ONE Christian in the world who can do EVERYTHING.
But, there is also not ONE Christian who has NOTHING to do…
No one in AICF can do everything.
Also, no one in AICF can do nothing.
Where can you serve?
Do not be satisfied to only “come” and “worship”
The fact that you are here means – you HAVE a task from God to do for the growth and unity of AICF!
The church of God is the House of Prayer for all nations.
We must mention all nations in our prayers, not only Korea, not only Jeonju, not only AICF.
In our actions, we focus on AICF, Jeonju.
For the effectiveness of the ministry – fruit.
v.17-18 – Lay down my life – take it up again – lay it down of my own accord
We can see 3 points:
1) Jesus saw whole life as an act of obedience to Father God – Jesus received a task from God – he always was ready and prepared to carry it out to the end – even if it meant death
2) Jesus saw all the time, the cross and the glory together. He never doubted he must die. He never doubted he would rise again. His perfect confidence in God.
3) His death was wholly voluntary. He stressed it again and again. Jesus didn’t lose his life – he GAVE it willingly. The cross was not forced upon him. He CHOSE to take it – to give us his new life.
The cross was his greatest work. It was his definite choice. It accomplished atonement for his sheep. Through his resurrection, ALL authority on heaven and earth has been given to Jesus.
Happy Easter!
Satan has NO authority any longer.
Only Jesus has authority over anyone.
Therefore, GO!
And make disciples of all nations.
When you proclaim Jesus’ story, Jesus’ authority will be revealed through you!
Let us experience and enjoy this authority in Jesus’ name!