Sermon Notes
Everyday we have news.
But what news can we say is Good News for ALL men of ALL time?
Today, I want to announce this Good News for all people forever and ever!
Before that, we must know about 3 bad news, 3 good news, and 1 BEST news – of ALL news!
3 Bad news!
1. All men are sinners…
Me, you, everyone. We are born sinners. Bible says, “All have sinned, no one righteous…” Romans 3:23?
We are sinners because we sin.
Actually, we sin because we are sinners.
Sin of ALL sins is turning away from God – the Father, Creator of all beings.
Sin is the root of all problems.
2. All sinners must die…
Bible says, “The wages of sin is death…” Romans 6:23?
“Sin entered this world through one man” (Adam) In this way, death came to all men, because all have sinned.
Sins wages = death, death = separation.
- spiritual death = separation from God
- physical death = separation from body
3. All sinners must go to hell…
Physical death = NOT the end.
Just separation, spirit from body.
After death = Judgment
Bible says, “All men are destined to die ONCE, and after that face judgment…”
Hell is endless agony of fire…
But God wants you and me NOT to die – NOT to go to hell – NOT to be separated from Him, because God loves us so much.
So, God has provided the only remedy for these 3 bad news.
3 Good News!!
1. Jesus died for the sins of the world.
Jesus came as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, Me, You, Everyone.
Bible says, “God demonstrated his own love for us in this, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
2. Jesus ROSE again! And IS alive! NOW! In you, in me, to give us eternal life and salvation!
The last enemy to be defeated is death…Jesus DEFEATED Death! Through his resurrection!
Jesus IS Risen!
That’s why we can face now and tomorrow with hope!
3. Jesus is coming SOON to take us to heaven!
Jesus says, “Do not be afraid, do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust in me. In my Father’s house, there are many rooms. And I go to heaven to prepare a place for you. And I will come back to take you to heaven, so that you may be in the place that I am.”
Revelation – last book, last chapter, 3 times repeated.
“Behold! I am coming SOON!”
“YES! Blessed is he who keeps the word of prophecy in this
- (v.12) “Behold! I am coming soon, my reward is with me. I will give to everyone according to what he has done.”
- (v.20) “Behold! I am coming soon!” “Yes! Come, Lord Jesus!”
- Jesus is coming soon!
- Jesus is the hope for this world!
- Jesus is the King of peace!
- Jesus is the joy of the world!
- Sharing Jesus passion is the fountain of our joy!
- Endless, abundant joy!
- Jesus Christ is the salvation of the whole world!
Today, Jesus saves you, me, my family, yours, all the world!
And finally, Jesus is perfect, complete, end solution to ALL questions in this world and the world to come!
May God bless us with this BEST news!
- Shout!
- Jesus is my Savior!
- Jesus is my Lord!
- Jesus is my King!
- Jesus is everything to me!
- Jesus Christ is my passion!
- Jesus Christ is my dream!
- Jesus Christ is my joy!
- Jesus Christ is my salvation and eternal life!
Let’s pray.