Genesis 7-9 (Bible-365.3): Rethinking Noah

Everybody knows the story of Noah and the ark and the flood. And everybody thinks they’ve got it down pat. It’s a story about a single good dude in a world filled with terrible, horrible, rotten bad dudes that saves the day for humanity and all of Creation. Right? Or is it? Let’s back-track a bit before jumping straight to…

Genesis 1-3 (Bible-365.1): Rethinking Original Sin

I’ll use the following listing conventions for the daily Bible reading plan: Book Chapters (Bible-365.Day#). Genesis 1-3 This area is Scripture is a literal theological goldmine. Whole sermons, series, and books have been written on just these three chapters alone. Therefore, there is far too much to briefly mention in a short post below, so I’ll just pull out the…